Thursday, October 20, 2011

White Flood

I am a HUGE Controlled Labs fan. I have used White Flood and Green Magnitude and have seen great results from both. White Flood is a non-stim preworkout. Meaning you won't necessarily get the pumped up feeling you'd see from something like Jack3d. Instead you will get more of an endurance aspect to your workout, and unlike stims you won't build up a resistance to its benefits. I know many people who swear by this stuff. The taste was definitely lacking in version 1, but they updated the formula to v2 and the taste improved dramatically.
     1) One of the best preworkouts available
     2) You won't build up a resistance to the effects like you would in a stim-based preworkout
     3) Relatively cheap (100 servings for $40)
     1) v1 taste is not what one would call good
     2) You won't get much of a pump like you would with stim based preworkouts  

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