Sunday, October 6, 2013

Background & Prologue

Where to begin... I'm a 20 year old Computer Science student. I am currently enrolled at Villanova University. In High School (PA) I played basketball, baseball, and football. I did plenty of cardio and maintained a lean 5'8 155 lbs throughout. Everything changed in my freshman year of college life. I did not play any sports nor did much in the way of physical activity. I consumed unnatural amounts of alcohol and, when not partying or in class, sat on my bed or in the library and studied. I got up to somewhere around 180lbs and maintained that through my sophomore year as well. Now, in my junior year, I am going to the gym 5+ days a week, eating much more healthily, and just generally taking better care of myself. This log/journal/rambling is something I will (hopefully) do to keep motivation high for myself as well as provide information and motivation for anyone else who wants to read!